Study Reveals Abundance of Agents With Limited or No Sales

2024-01-10T05:04:23-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover why higher barriers to entry in the mortgage industry are crucial for private lenders, as a small percentage of agents dominate transaction volumes.

Lessons learned from constraints and blessings in the mortgage industry.

2024-01-09T05:43:21-08:00loan servicing private lenders, private money loan servicing|

Looking ahead, 2024 offers promising opportunities for private lenders in the mortgage industry. Expect improved rates and increased housing supply – seize these new skills and thrive in the market. Make 2023 a memorable year!

The Need for Increased Financing Options for ADUs

2024-01-09T05:00:20-08:00loan servicing private lenders, private lender loan servicing|

Discover the latest financing options, grant programs, and legislation aiding homeowners and builders in developing infill housing. Find out how smart lenders can contribute to creating stronger financing options for ADUs.

Kasper resigns as NAR President amidst blackmail threat.

2024-01-08T14:00:15-08:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing companies|

As a mortgage industry expert, discover Kasper's encounter with threats regarding a personal matter and the potential impact on her position at NAR. Interesting insight for private lenders.

Save Time with Automated Scheduling: Embrace Technology Trends

2024-01-08T12:48:31-08:00private lender servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Stay ahead in the mortgage industry with this valuable technology. Explore how automated scheduling could save you time and enhance your productivity.

Get Ready for an Unexpected Strong Spring Real Estate Market: Altos

2024-01-08T12:35:06-08:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover the latest trends in the mortgage industry: rising home sales, increasing inventory, and a robust real estate market. Valuable insights for private lenders.

HousingWire to facilitate commission lawsuit debate featuring Ketchmark and Lamacchia.

2024-01-08T06:36:14-08:00private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Discover the engaging debate between an attorney and a Realtor, hosted by HousingWire. Gain insights relevant to private lenders in this virtual event.

Ways for Regulators to Lower Costs and Enhance Equity in the Mortgage Industry

2024-01-08T05:49:14-08:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

To drive innovation and better cater to homebuyers, regulators need to address monopolies as a major obstacle in the mortgage industry. Discover more.

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