HousingWire, a leading source of industry news and insights, is set to host a virtual debate featuring plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Ketchmark and Realtor Anthony Lamacchia. Scheduled for January 26th, this engaging event promises to provide invaluable insights into the housing market and related legal issues. With Ketchmark’s expertise in representing plaintiffs and Lamacchia’s extensive experience in the real estate industry, this debate is expected to shed light on the challenges and opportunities currently shaping the market.

Key Points:
– HousingWire, a renowned industry news outlet, is organizing a virtual debate centered around the housing market.
– The debate will feature plaintiffs’ attorney Michael Ketchmark and Realtor Anthony Lamacchia.
– Scheduled for January 26th, this event offers a valuable platform for discussing the current state of the housing market and legal considerations.
– Participants can look forward to gaining insights from Ketchmark, an esteemed attorney representing plaintiffs, and Lamacchia, a highly knowledgeable Realtor with extensive industry experience.
– This debate is anticipated to offer a comprehensive perspective on the challenges, opportunities, and trends influencing the housing market.

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