Discover How AI is Revolutionizing Real Estate with Compass Agents

2023-07-31T08:27:58-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Today hear from Rich Hopen and Susan Vanech of Compass, experts in the Mortgage industry, on how real estate technology can help you secure private lending! Find out how to leverage the power of AI-powered Chatbot to maximize your property market & gain valuable insights from RealE & Compass Coastal.

Ex-Sprout Workers Safeguard $3.5M Compensation Pact

2023-07-28T10:30:28-07:00private lender loan servicing, private loan servicing company|

This week, former workers of Sprout Mortgage took action in a New York court to ensure that a $3.5 million settlement for unpaid wages goes to its rightful recipients. Stay informed of the latest news in the mortgage industry with expert insights from our trusted team.

Mortgage Rates Climb Toward 7% Mark

2023-07-28T06:20:10-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Stay up to date with the latest mortgage trends: Discover insights into historical mortgage rates & how they could affect the current climate for private lenders. Get informed now & make smarter decisions about your mortgage.

defending challenge to Quicken’s ‘disparate impact’ theory NAR Responds to DOJ’s Challenge to Quicken’s Disparate Impact Theory

2023-07-26T13:34:59-07:00private lender loan servicing, private loan servicing company|

This industry-expert summary concisely explains the NAR Reply Brief's claims to the DOJ, which assert that the government's arguments would cause legal instability. Learn what arguments the Reply Brief offers and why this could be a game changer for private lenders.

? What Impact Do Insurance Carrier Exits Have on US Housing Markets?

2023-07-26T09:16:22-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

"The number of people moving into the most at-risk climate areas is multiplying - but insurance carriers are looking elsewhere. Real estate agents and their clients are puzzle by the big shift in coverage, leaving them saddled with major financial problems".

2022 Single-family Home Shifts: Smaller, Taller, & Off-Site

2023-07-26T03:49:04-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing|

Home buyers now have an alternativie to traditional home purchase once larger builders shift focus. Private lenders can tap into this new market and gain access to potential buyers as rates, financing costs and demand soften. Discover the new opportunities in this unique real estate market.

? The Rise of the Team Model in Real Estate Brokerage

2023-07-24T13:46:50-07:00private loan servicing company, private money loan servicing|

Many brokerages are turning to a teamerage model which provides larger margins while still offering customers great value. Learn how this model offers advantages to brokers, from improved efficiency to new development and growth prospects. Jump in to discover the potential of this rewarding business model.

gains Inventory Gains Upbeat News for Housing Market

2023-07-24T04:10:10-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

This week's housing inventory increase is good news, but we need more. Discover how recent inventory increases point to larger trends in the housing market and what we can do to prevent a seasonal decline in private lending.

Doma Acquires Title Operations in the Midwest and Texas

2023-07-21T09:21:08-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing|

Chicago-based title firm Near North Title Group has acquired 30 Doma offices across the Midwest, increasing their geographical reach. Meanwhile, an affiliate of Shaddock Title Companies has scooped up operations in Texas, increasing their presence in the US. Expertise in the mortgage industry makes this the perfect move to help keep businesses secure.

Real Estate Teams Outperform in Q1 2023 Benchmarking

2023-07-21T04:45:37-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

Private lending teams have experienced success in the real- estate market, according to the Streamlined Quarterly Team Benchmarking Report. With top- performing practices and best practices established, learn what your team can do to optimize its performance and increase returns. Maximize your private lending team's success today!

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