The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently filed a reply brief in response to the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding the expiration of the Amended Final Judgment (AFJ). NAR argues that the DOJ’s position would result in a destabilization of the real estate law, resulting in unprecedented impact on real estate markets, and creating an unpredictable environment for consumers, lenders, realtors and the economy.

In their brief, NAR states that the DOJ’s proposed interpretation of the AFJ ignores over 40 years of judicial policy, which was carried out under the direction of the Attorney General. They argue that such an interpretation stands contrary to the purposes and goals of the AFJ, which is to maintain stability within the real estate industry and not disrupt it.

Summary in Bullet Points:
• National Association of Realtors (NAR) filed a reply brief to the Department of Justice (DOJ) in response to the expiration of the Amended Final Judgment (AFJ)
• NAR’s brief claims that the DOJ’s position would result in a destabilization of the real estate law, creating an unpredictable environment for consumers, lenders, realtors and the economy.
• NAR argues that the DOJ’s proposed interpretation of the AFJ ignores over 40 years of judicial policy and stands contrary to the purposes and goals of the AFJ, which is to maintain stability within the real estate industry.

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