Fed Pivoting on Inflation Data?

2023-08-11T04:02:17-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

This article takes a close look at the inflation data released by the Federal Reserve and how this could influence the possible pivot in 2024. Logan Mohtashami breaks down the implications for private lenders and what it could mean for interest rates. Gain insight into the possible effects of these changes on your business.

Real Estate Agents: Craft a Morning Routine for Success

2023-08-10T11:10:04-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

Get the inside scoop on the latest private lending trends and insights to help you stay ahead of your competition. "Stay on top of the private lending trends with insights from an industry expert -- discover how agile, adaptive leadership can help you and your team reach success. Get the latest up-to-date information for any and all your private lending questions."

Mortgage Lenders: Prioritizing Company Culture

2023-08-10T11:10:27-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Safeguard morale and productivity among employees with reconnection, inclusivity and transparency. Discover how these strategies can help private lenders foster business growth in difficult times, without sacrificing morale.

US Home Insurance Policies Drop Dramatically in 2023

2023-08-09T05:26:55-07:00private loan servicing company, private money loan servicing|

Knowledgeable Homeowners Realize Securing Suitable Home Insurance Policies Is Becoming Increasingly Difficult: Learn What Challenges Private Lenders are Facing and How to Best Protect Your Clients.

82% of Consumers Report Home Buying an Unwise Move Now

2023-08-08T14:24:05-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, loan servicing private lenders|

Discover how Fannie Mae is working to help consumers become comfortable with the thought of buying a home. Learn what measures have been taken to help develop trust and confidence in the mortgage industry and its potential. Get informed on the steps that can provide you peace of mind buying a home in today's uncertain financial landscape.

Jumbo Mortgages Reach Turning Point in Market

2023-08-08T13:20:38-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender servicing|

The jumbo mortgage market has seen a dramatic downturn in recent years, which has been costly for banks and other depositories. Jumbo mortgages refer to mortgages which exceed certain thresholds on loan amount, recently set at $510,400. This two-part series takes a deep dive [...]

Restb.ai and Bradford Tech partner for integrated appraisal solutions.

2023-08-07T12:13:20-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Integrate two top-of-the-line appraisal technologies with Restb.ai and Bradford Technologies. Streamline your mortgage approvals and reduce turnaround times with this revolutionary appraisal partnership - now available to private lenders. Get ahead of the game with this innovative new partnership to make your mortgage process the best in the business.

GSEs Targeting IMBs: The Buyback Debate

2023-08-07T08:19:41-07:00private lender loan servicing, private loan servicing company|

"David Stevens, a trusted mortgage industry expert, dives into the benefits of private lending options for those bypassing the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac GSEs. Learn the surprising facts about private lending - without sacrificing your investments."

LOs: Unlock Origination Growth with Data Insights

2023-08-04T14:43:52-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Many lenders can leverage consumer information to conduct better origination practices, resulting in an improved borrower experience. Discover strategies for leveraging customer data to transform origination and keep on top of the mortgage industry.

Gov’t Sells Land to Encourage Affordable Housing

2023-08-04T13:01:35-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

"Las Vegas housing construction is set to receive a major boost as a result of lower land prices. Officials believe this will make it possible to build more affordable homes, finally addressing local demand."

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