Altos Research’s 2023 US Housing Market Predictions

2023-02-06T14:49:40-08:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Prepare for the future of US housing market with Altos Research's 2023 predictions. Our insights help you make informed decisions about buying and investing in real estate for maximum ROI. Secure the best outcome for your financial future.

ICE Mortgage Technology: Betting On Increased Home Sales In 2023

2023-02-02T12:13:31-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, loan servicing private lenders|

"ICE Mortgage Technology is revolutionizing the industry with smart tools and data-backed insights to empower private lenders. Get ready to capitalize on the expected uptick in home sales in 2023 - get started today!"

NYCB Confirms Move to Cut Retail Mortgage Channel After Acquisition

2023-01-31T16:55:13-08:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

"NYCB just announced it's decision to phase out its retail mortgage channel following the acquisition of another big bank. Find out more about the storyline behind the acquisition and discover why NYCB is taking this unprecedented step."

JVM Lending Makes Moves to Expand Mortgage Lending Without Loan Originators

2023-01-27T15:57:34-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage loan servicing|

"JVM Lending works to revolutionize the mortgage industry. Get involved with the future of mortgage lending and learn how to join a team that operates without loan originators. Join the movement now!"

Prejudgment Claim of Right to Possession in Residential Evictions

2023-01-27T15:45:26-08:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

Don't let residential evictions be the end of your problem. Find out how a successful prejudgment claim of right to possession can help protect you. Secure your rights and get peace of mind today!

Fannie Mae Adds New $75 Fee to Mortgage Lenders Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

2023-01-27T13:31:57-08:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

As the mortgage industry continues to feel the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, lenders are now being hit with new fees that are adding to the pain. The latest fee is a $75 charge that is being assessed by Fannie Mae on every loan that is delivered to them. This fee is in addition to the other fees that lenders are already paying, and it is expected to add up to millions of dollars in additional costs for the industry.

New Year Resolutions in the Housing Industry: Real Estate Agents, Loan Officers and Title Company Owners Unveil Their Goals for This Year

2023-01-27T13:58:51-08:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing|

"New Year's Resolutions from Across the Housing Industry" discusses various housing industry professionals' New Year's resolutions. One real estate agent resolves to help more first-time home buyers, while another credits her past year's success to her resolution to be more organized. A loan officer resolves to originate more government-backed loans, and a title company owner resolves to increase her company's social media presence.

Data-Driven Insights to Track Consumer Trends and Stay Ahead of the Market

2023-01-27T13:36:32-08:00private lender servicing, private money loan servicing|

In a rapidly changing market, data is key to understanding consumer behavior and understanding where the market is heading. Consumer data can be used to track trends, identify opportunities and optimize marketing strategies. Data-driven marketing helps companies to stay ahead of the competition and remain relevant to consumers.

Mortgage Rates Rising – Lenders Becoming More Lenient – Get the Financing You Need

2023-01-27T13:37:46-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Lenders are becoming more lenient with their standards for approving mortgages, as high mortgage rates are causing potential buyers to hesitate. The average rate for a 30-year fixed mortgage has risen to 4.86%, which is the highest level in seven years. In response to this, some lenders are now offering loans with lower down payment requirements and lower credit scores. Despite this, many buyers are still having a difficult time qualifying for a loan.

Using Borrower Data to Improve the Housing Market: How Lenders are Creating New Services

2023-01-27T13:38:19-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage loan servicing|

Borrower data is playing an increasingly important role in the housing market, as lenders seek to better assess risk and better identify potential borrowers. Borrower data includes information on credit history, employment history, and other factors that can help lenders better understand a borrower's ability to repay a loan. Lenders are using borrower data to develop new products and services that can help them better serve their customers and better manage their risk.

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