Zillow has announced a new feature on their mobile app that allows users to search for homes based on the school district. With the new school district boundaries feature, users can search for homes within a certain school district boundary. The feature is currently available on the iOS mobile app and will be on Android platforms by the end of the year.

The post Search by School Feature Added to Zillow App appeared first on Weekly Real Estate News.

Zillow has announced a new feature on their mobile app that allows users to search for homes based on the school district. With the new school district boundaries feature, users can search for homes within a certain school district boundary.

The feature is currently available on the iOS mobile app and will be available on Android platforms by the end of the year. This new function will be a great help to parents and guardians who are looking for a new home in an area that has a great school system.

You can read this full article at: https://wrenews.com/search-by-school-feature-added-to-zillow-app/

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