-Americans were at risk of wrongful housing denials because TransUnion, a credit reporting agency, failed to follow the law, according to the CFPB Director Rohit Chopra.

-The CFPB and FTC took action against TransUnion by filing a complaint alleging that the company deceived customers about the quality of its rental background checks.

-TransUnion advertised that its rental background checks were just as accurate as the credit reports it provides to lenders, but the CFPB and FTC found that this was not the case.

-As a result of the settlement, TransUnion will pay $13 million in redress to harmed consumers and will also be subject to injunctive relief.

You can read this full article at: https://wrenews.com/cfpb-and-ftc-take-action-against-transunion-over-rental-background-checks/

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