Understand the Residential Eviction Process: A Guide for Private Mortgage Lenders

2023-01-27T14:54:00-08:00private lender loan servicing, private lender servicing|

The eviction process for residential finances can be intimidating. Learn the steps of eviction to protect your investments as a private mortgage lender. Put the security of your loans first with the help of this guide.

Portfolio Cleansing for Improved Financial Health | Professional Financial Planning Services

2023-01-27T13:30:20-08:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Portfolio cleansing is an important but often overlooked aspect of financial planning. When done correctly, it can help investors focus on their goals and improve their overall financial health. However, it can also be a complex and time-consuming process. In order to make the most of portfolio cleansing, investors should work with a qualified financial advisor.

Increase Your Sales in a Down Market: Focus on Your Current Customers & Create a Niche Market

2023-01-27T13:35:52-08:00loan servicing private lenders, private lender loan servicing|

In order to maximize your marketing in a down market, the article suggests that you should focus on your current customers, create a niche market, and focus on low-cost marketing efforts. It is also important to keep your marketing message positive and focus on the benefits of your product or service.

The War For Top Talent: Why Companies are Moving Their Operations | Explained

2023-01-27T13:42:11-08:00loan servicing private lenders, private lender servicing|

The "war for top talent" is a major issue in the business world today. Many companies are moving their operations to locations where they can find and retain the best employees. This article discusses the reasons for this "war" and why companies are moving their operations.

Discovering the Best Way to Communicate Rate Changes to Borrowers – Tips For Mortgage Companies

2023-01-27T13:38:36-08:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing|

Many mortgage companies are unsure of the best way to communicate rate changes to their borrowers. Some companies have started using social media to announce changes, while others have released statements to the press. Some companies have even started sending out letters to their customers. The best way to communicate rate changes will vary from company to company, but it is important to make sure that the method chosen is effective and consistent.

Make Money with Proactive Fund Management – Learn How To Improve Your Portfolio

2023-01-27T13:41:04-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Most people think of fund managers as people who just sit back and wait for the right opportunity to invest. However, the best fund managers are actually very proactive. They are always on the lookout for new opportunities and they are always trying to find ways to improve their portfolios. This means that they are constantly buying and selling stocks, and they are always looking for new ways to make money. This can be a very risky business, but it can also be very profitable.

FHFA: Mortgage Loan Guarantee Fees Changed to Reduce Costs for Borrowers

2023-01-27T13:41:49-08:00private lender servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

In an effort to make pricing more uniform and to reduce the overall costs of getting a mortgage, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) is making changes to the way that guarantee fees (g-fees) are charged. Upfront g-fees will no longer be assessed on loans with terms of 15 years or less, and all other g-fees will be decreased by 10 basis points. This will result in savings for borrowers, especially those who are taking out shorter-term loans.

UWM Offers an Innovative Title Process for Easier Home Buying and Refinancing

2023-01-27T13:43:47-08:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

As the lending process becomes more and more difficult, many people are looking for alternatives to the traditional banks. UWM offers an innovative new title process that could speed up the process and get people the money they need faster. This could be a great option for those who are looking to buy a home or refinance their current home.

Navigating the New Tax Season – How Servicers Can Prepare for the Tax Law Changes and Reduced Refunds

2023-01-27T13:44:25-08:00private loan servicing company|

The article discusses how the upcoming tax season will be different for servicers. It will be the first time that servicers will have to comply with the new tax law, which may cause confusion and delays. Additionally, the IRS is expected to issue fewer refunds, which could reduce the amount of money that servicers receive.

Protect Yourself from Losses & Ensure Loan Quality | Top Mortgage Underwriting Strategies

2023-01-27T13:46:47-08:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing companies|

As the mortgage industry continues to rapidly change, it is becoming increasingly important for lenders to maintain loan quality. There are a number of ways to do this, including ensuring that underwriting standards are met, establishing clear communication channels with borrowers, and being proactive in monitoring the loan portfolios. By taking these steps, lenders can help protect themselves from losses and ensure that their loans are of the highest quality possible.

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