Florida School District Develops Housing to Address Teacher Shortages

2023-06-19T10:01:20-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private money loan servicing|

This article explores how low-cost housing options for faculty and staff near certain schools can help solve the long-standing issue of high housing costs. Learn how school districts are addressing housing costs and creating a positive impact.

Owning a Home Not Cost-Effective in Select Housing Markets.

2023-06-19T08:58:09-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing|

Learn the market trends & how it affects private lenders. Learn the impact of the housing market on private lenders. In April, monthly premiums for owning a home reached $1,030 per month, up from $884 per month at the same time in 2018. John Burns Research & Consulting reveals market trends & how it affects private lenders. Get the info you need to make informed investment decisions.

. Homebuilding Shows Positive Momentum

2023-06-19T08:39:11-07:00private lender servicing, private money loan servicing|

Homebuilder confidence is at a 11-month high thanks to strong consumer demand, a dearth of existing inventory, and improved supply chain efficiency. Gain insight on the latest industry news, and find out why now is the optimal time for private lenders to take advantage of favorable mortgage conditions.

Integration: SimpleNexus and Black Knight’s LOS Empower Connect

2023-06-16T09:10:19-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

The mortgage industry is moved forward with SimpleNexus and Empower integration. Stay informed and stay ahead with homebuying news & insights from the experts. Get the info you need to shape your homeownership journey with trusted mortgage insight from SimpleNexus and Empower.

EPM Expands Wholesale Channel, Streamlines Retail Operations

2023-06-13T12:36:09-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private money loan servicing|

Atlanta-based EPM's Focus on Wholesale Channel: Discover How Private Lenders Benefit Despite Times of Economic Uncertainty. Get the Scoop on EPM's Decisions & How It Could Affect You Now.

Recent Mortgages: 90% Purchase Loans

2023-06-12T05:12:20-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private loan servicing company|

"Are you a private lender looking for the latest news on purchase-loan originations? Black Knight's recent report shows that almost 90% of mortgage originated are purchase loans. Stay informed - read the report to understand current market trends."

Securing Residential Real Estate with Business Purpose Lending: A Guide to Licensing Rules for Private Lenders

2023-06-09T07:58:47-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Meta Description: Discover the licensing rules for private lenders in the US and learn how to simplify Business Purpose Lending secured by residential real estate. Find out the myths and misconceptions surrounding the licensing process and understand why it is necessary to get a license in certain states.

NAMB Backs Return to Traditional LLPA Framework

2023-06-09T05:59:48-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Make informed decisions from a mortgage expert. FHFA has proposed a new bill that would have a major effect on single-family home loan prices and limit lenders' ability to adjust pricing LLPA based on debt-to-income ratio. Make sure you understand the ins and outs of this dynamic issue.

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