Gov’t Urges Increase in Commercial-to-Residential Property Conversions

2023-10-27T04:57:25-07:00private mortgage servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Create a meta description that reads: "This federal initiative could be a game-changer for private lenders looking to increase housing affordability. Learn how commercial-to-residential property conversions could revolutionize the industry today."

in mortgage lending Data Risk & Accuracy: Co-Founder Explores Mortgage Lending

2023-10-27T04:32:09-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private loan servicing company|

Private lenders are no different, they need an expert to review the numbers, crunch the trends, and decipher the complex data in the mortgage industry. Let us help you make savvy business decisions today.

CDFIs & Native American Homeownership: Overcoming Obstacles

2023-10-26T13:35:19-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private lender loan servicing|

Native American homeowneship can be filled with obstacles. Discover how Community Development Financial Institutions are changing the game to make housing more accessible. Learn from the experts how CDFIs are helping Native Americans achieve homeownership and better quality of life.

Preventing Homeowner Insurance Crisis: An Opinion

2023-10-25T13:22:16-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage loan servicing|

With mortgage loan defaults on the rise, lenders are now faced with an overhaul of the homeowners insurance market. Private lenders are searching for practical solutions to the problems that have come with an increasingly uncertain environment. Discover innovative strategies so you can protect yourself from a potential catastrophic mortgage market meltdown.

Mr. Cooper Earns $275M Profit in Q3

2023-10-25T10:33:50-07:00private lender servicing, private loan servicing company|

Improve Profitability with Mr. Cooper Group: An expert analysis of third quarter 2023 earnings from one of the top private lenders. Discover how a high rate environment and low delinquency helped its servicing portfolio, yet the originations side of the business faced challenges and resulted in lower earnings. Learn more about Mr. Cooper Group's performance.

CEO NAR Continues Testifying in Lawsuit Trial Defense

2023-10-25T05:00:11-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender servicing|

An experienced mortgage industry expert explains NAR's new Clear Cooperation rule and the commission lawsuit it is at the crux of. Discover how this new rule is the latest development in private lending for those interested in staying up to date.

RealScout Offers Seller Lead Nurture Support

2023-10-24T08:37:37-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

RealScout unveils major updates, giving home sellers & buyers a better experience. Partnership with Zillow helps harnesses the power of Machine Learning to the seller’s journey, offering unprecedented insights. Find ideal properties & get the most out of a home purchase with RealScout.

Why Weak Homebuyer Demand Isn’t Lowering Home Prices

2023-10-24T05:19:52-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

For private lenders, get the scoop on the surprisingly balanced supply and demand in the home market. Watch the full video to understand why home prices adjust. Gain insights from an industry expert and discover repairs.

Veteran LO Patton Gade Joins UMortgage Team

2023-10-24T04:19:31-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Patton Gade, the number one VA Mortgage Loan Officer of last year, is now at U Mortgage. His extensive experience provides a great opportunity for Private Lenders to get trustworthy and reliable mortgage advice. Get access to one of the top-ranking mortgage professionals and make informed decisions with confidence.

Bronx Complex Offers Housing & Hip Hop Museum

2023-10-23T14:10:32-07:00private mortgage loan servicing companies, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover an innovative new residential mixed-use project in the Bronx with housing, retail, and the world's first Hip Hop museum. Learn more about Bronx Point and the community benefits it offers.

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