Bipartisan Effort Reintroduces the Build More Housing Near Transit Act

2023-11-02T12:46:11-07:00private loan servicing company|

"Explore the reintroduction of the 'Build More Housing Near Transit Act', aimed at boosting public transit investments and enhancing housing options for cost-burdened Americans."

Almost 33% of Homes Listed in Q3 Were Newly Constructed

2023-11-01T14:24:29-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

"Experience record-breaking trends in the mortgage industry: Q3 sees new construction homes comprising 30.6% of sales, the highest for any third quarter so far."

Unexpected Guilty Verdict in Commission Lawsuit Impacts Real Estate Industry

2023-11-01T04:57:18-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private loan servicing company|

"Experts discuss potential changes in real estate operations and industry future post Sitzer/Burnett verdict. Private lenders may see shifts in agent behaviour and commission norms."

Three Methods to Assist Borrowers with Decision-Making in the Resurgence of ‘Exotic’ Loans

2023-11-01T04:37:36-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

"Enhance your clientele's mortgage journey by modernizing the shopping experience. Propel to long-term success by adapting today's innovative lending strategies."

NAR Incorporates IRAR Trust Company into Realtor Benefits Program

2023-10-31T14:20:26-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

"Explore NAR's partnership with IRAR Trust Company offering discounted self-directed IRAs & solo 401(k) accounts to members, family, and association staff."

Final Discussions Conclude as Sitzer Jury Preps for Deliberations in Mortgage Case

2023-10-31T05:02:43-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private money loan servicing|

"Uncover the latest developments in the Sitzer Burnett commission lawsuit. Verdict awaited after closing argument; impactful insights for private lenders."

Five strategies to attract a higher number of mortgage borrowers

2023-10-30T13:15:38-07:00private lender loan servicing, private money loan servicing|

"Discover the top five strategies required to enhance your business in the mortgage industry. Learn how time and experience can shape the preferences of your borrowers. Explore now."

The Essentials of Power of Attorney for Empowering Real Estate Agents

2023-10-30T10:49:22-07:00private lender servicing, private money loan servicing|

"Explore the importance and process of a Power of Attorney in the mortgage industry. Learn how it grants one individual the power to act on another's behalf."

Bay Area Residents Get Help Staying in Homes with New Platform

2023-10-27T14:40:57-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

An innovative new platform is helping Bay Area residents stay in their homes through a regional approach, and private lenders can be part of the solution. Stay Housed Bay Area offers a comprehensive resource center for families in need. Learn more today.

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