Tips on Creating Private Mortgage Notes for Investors

2022-12-05T22:30:13-08:00Private Money Lending|

The majority of Private lenders are quite experienced professionals in the real estate industry with extensive knowledge of structuring loan agreements. However, most of them do not have long-term thoughts regarding loans, particularly in the form of an exit technique such as selling to [...]

Are Consistently Error-Free Closings within Reach for Lenders?

2022-05-09T05:47:17-07:00Private Money Lending|

Lending volume in the past year exceeded everyone's expectations, owing mainly to record-low mortgage rates. Closing problems unavoidably crept in as lenders tried to keep up with demand. As a result of this unexpected surge in volume, lending businesses across the industry are looking [...]

Opportunity Zones: A Great Opportunity for Bridge Lenders

2022-01-29T21:59:00-08:00Private Money Lending|

Several benefits come from investing in Opportunity Zones, including high gains by removing federal capital profit taxes during reviving underserved communities. Opportunity Zones offer numerous benefits for investors, but their distinct structure presents significant importance for bridge lenders. Opportunity Zones are designated locations across [...]

Insurance Requirements for Lenders and What to do When Coverage is Inadequate

2022-01-21T01:22:41-08:00Private Money Lending|

Uncertainty continues to rise in the private lending industry, making it more critical than ever to be certain of the insurance coverage of borrowers as lenders look to protect themselves and their capital. Unfortunately, private lenders, in particular, are far too frequently falling short [...]

Closing Protection Letters: When and Why They are Important

2022-01-21T01:22:23-08:00Private Money Lending|

Lenders often understand the necessary endorsements and particular policy coverages covered by a transaction funded by a Small Business Administration Loan (SBA), which could differ depending on the nature of the transaction involved. However, the majority of lenders may not be used to the [...]

Homebot Aims to Put Lenders at the Forefront of Online Search

2022-01-21T01:27:50-08:00Private Money Lending|

In a recent conversation with the CEO and Co-Founder of Homebot, Ernie Graham, on what it means for professionals in the lending industry to provide clients forever and how Homebot is involved through the entire home buying process, particularly with the home search, he [...]

Mortgage Cadence Releases Next Generation Loan Origination Software (LOS)

2022-01-16T19:39:51-08:00Private Money Lending|

As a lender looking to compete further in the market, employing several technological tools and inventions in your day-to-day operations is a must. One of such technological tools is the Loan Origination Software (LOS), a platform for coordinating and automating various stages of the [...]

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