At a recent industry conference, Bob Broeksmit, the President and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers’ Association (MBA), provided a comprehensive overview of the organization’s ongoing advocacy efforts. With significant market and political landscape changes anticipated in the coming year, he discussed the necessary steps that MBA is taking to continue its mission of strengthening the mortgage industry.

Highlighting the efforts of MBA’s Government and Political Affairs Department, Broeksmit said the organization will remain focused on helping maintain a vibrant and healthy housing finance sector. To this end, the organization aims to keep a sharp eye on the regulatory landscape and engage in active government and public outreach. The MBA is also working collaboratively with trade groups, consumer-interest groups, and the other respective stakeholders to find common ground and create best outcomes for mortgage professionals and consumers alike.

Key Points:
• MBA’s Government and Political Affairs Department is taking appropriate steps to ensure continued advocacy
• Mortgage Bankers’ Association focused on maintaining a vibrant and healthy housing finance sector
• Engaging in active government and public outreach
• Collaborating with trade groups, consumer-interests groups, and other stakeholders to bring about best outcomes
• Fostering an equitable mortgage environment

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