Court Rules in Favor of Buyer Broker Commissions

2023-09-20T10:40:33-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Defendants in Sitzer/Burnett Lawsuit Face 2 Dismissed Claims: Unopposed motion for dismissal of state law causes of action filed, Judge Stephen R. Bough to review case. Learn why mortgage industry expert advice is essential for understanding buyer broker commissions.

Secure Your Loan Files in a Shifting Economy.

2023-09-20T09:49:08-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Navigating the 2023 Economic Landscape: Protect Your Loan Files & Prepare for Recession. Learn how to anticipate and prepare for the financial uncertainty of the 2023 economic landscape. Explore strategies for building resilient loan files to recession-proof your business.

For Mortgage Businesses – Creating a Thriving Organizational Culture for Mortgage Companies

2023-09-21T09:45:02-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

This meta description outlines the benefits of fostering a productive culture within a real estate company to ensure success in today's crowded market. Learn how a cohesive environment among agents can maximize productivity and create an industry-leading competitive edge.

to offer unparalleled mortgage experience Indie LA Broker Joins Real Brokerage for Exceptional Mortgage Service

2023-09-19T10:19:34-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

The Real Brokerage's agent network grows with the addition of 40 new Louisiana-based independent District South agents. Strengthened by this new infusion, the broker now boasts 12,000+ agents nationwide. Get the details on this formidable expansion from a mortgage industry expert.

Ehancing Brand Trust:Advertising Compliance & Strengthening Brand Trust

2023-09-21T09:46:11-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Most private lenders utilize some form of advertising to promote their services, which can include anything from websites and emails to texts, business cards, social media, or telephone solicitations. While successful advertising can help build your business and profits, it's also important to make [...]

Protestors Demand Reforms from National Association of Realtors

2023-09-18T12:06:01-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Shape the future of private lending with the NAR Accountability Project - NARAP works to bring real and lasting change to the mortgage industry and ensure that responsible lenders serve the public interest. Join the fight for a transparent and equitable mortgage industry.

loanDepot names Dan Hanson Executive

2023-09-15T04:04:02-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

This meta title provides an overview of loanDepot's recent hire of Dan Hanson as executive director of enterprise partnerships and acquisitions to find new ways to generate revenue. Get an inside view of how this influential financial firm is gearing up to unlock success.

Amazon Launches Pilot Program to Help Improve Affordable Housing

2023-09-13T13:40:44-07:00private mortgage servicing companies|

"Expand affordable housing options in 3 U.S. cities with this private lending program. $40 million has been committed to investments in housing, providing more opportunities to those in need."

Maximizing Referral Success Through Real Estate Database Setup

2023-09-12T07:46:11-07:00private mortgage loan servicing companies, private mortgage servicing companies|

Learn how to create a steady flow of repeat and referral business in our Mortgage Industry Expert 12-month plan. Get past getting ready to get started mode andceive valuable tips on maximizing your database. Our plan is tailored to help private lenders get into action and make the most of their digital marketing!

Letter From Lawyer Sheds Light on NAR Harassment Probe

2023-09-08T14:12:55-07:00private mortgage servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

A top lawyer’s July letter suggests private lenders should beware of "creepy" and "disrespectful" behavior at the National Association of Realtors. An outside counsel's investigation has revealed a history of misconduct, bringing into question the NAR's ability to protect the interests of private lenders. Learn what action has been taken in this scandalous situation.

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