The essential shift of buyer agency in real estate industry

2024-03-20T09:58:27-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Stay informed on the changing landscape of the real estate transaction process, from protecting buyers to understanding industry evolution.

Mortgage demand affected by higher-than-expected inflation, according to MBA

2024-03-20T07:59:30-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Stay informed on the latest trends in the mortgage industry. Application activity decreased by 1.6% after stronger inflation data. Great insight for private lenders.

The Impact of Opting in to NAR’s Settlement on Major Brokerages

2024-03-20T05:40:27-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Expert analysis on NAR settlement option for brokerages with $2B+ transaction volume. Are private lenders getting a fair deal? Find out here.

Poland Tops Global Searches for Miami Properties

2024-03-19T13:35:44-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover how Poland is leading the world in Miami property searches. Get insights on trending real estate data from Weekly Real Estate News. Read more.

Featured: James Glasgow, Castle Lanterra’s Chief Investment Officer

2024-03-19T12:12:20-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover insights from James Glasgow, Chief Investment Officer at Castle Lanterra. Stay informed about the future of private lending in the real estate industry.

ICE introduces two new property valuation solutions

2024-03-18T14:27:36-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing companies|

Enhance your lending portfolio with new ROV and Valuation Selector tools. Stay competitive and make informed decisions with these valuable resources.

Real estate agents shifting brokerages remains a trend: Relitix

2024-03-18T10:09:42-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Stay ahead of the shifting landscape in real estate as agents change brokerages rapidly. Insights from the Relitix Agent Movement Index can guide private lenders.

Mortgage Industry Responses to NAR Settlement: Strategies for Attracting Home Buyers

2024-03-18T06:23:25-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover the latest industry news for VA borrowers facing legal restrictions and LOs acting as agents. Learn about agents forming JVs with lenders post-NAR settlement.

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