Get effective real estate prospecting letter templates for download

2024-04-23T03:53:48-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private money loan servicing|

Elevate your business with expertly crafted real estate prospecting letter templates designed to attract private lenders. Boost your success today!

CoStar announces acquisition of 3D scanning company Matterport

2024-04-22T09:49:34-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Learn about CoStar's recent acquisition of 3D scanning company Matterport for $2.1 billion, impacting the mortgage industry and private lenders.

HUD implements rule to boost lender involvement in tribal housing program.

2024-04-19T12:56:33-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

HUD introduces new rule to boost Native American homeownership access. Learn how this impacts private lenders in the mortgage industry today.

Opinion: Focusing on Volume May Lead Mortgage Professionals Astray

2024-04-19T09:26:26-07:00private lender servicing, private money loan servicing|

Learn how to achieve real success in the mortgage industry by focusing on net income, not just loan volume. Ideal for private lenders.

The impact of commission lawsuits and low volume with insights from Brian Icenhower

2024-04-19T08:42:06-07:00private money loan servicing|

Discover insights from industry leader Brian Icenhower on starting Icenhower Coaching and Consulting, and the pressing needs in today's housing market.

Understanding the Increase in Existing Home Prices Amid Low Sales Volume

2024-04-19T04:27:22-07:00private money loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Stay informed on current trends in the housing market: existing home sales decline while prices continue to rise year over year.

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