OneKey MLS incorporates CubiCasa’s floor plan creation tools into their services.

2023-11-28T08:19:29-08:00loan servicing private lenders, private lender loan servicing|

Increase the efficiency of private lending with CubiCasa's user-friendly floor plan creation tools, now available through OneKey MLS in the New York Metropolitan area.

Understanding the REIT 100 Investor Assessment

2023-11-28T08:00:35-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

Creating a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) in private lending provides several benefits. However, to maintain REIT status, it is vital to meet the requirement of having at least 100 equity holders. Learn more about the REIT 100 Investor Test.

Atlanta-area firms face new lawsuit over copycat commission in Georgia.

2023-11-27T12:36:45-08:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

"A lawsuit in Georgia targets NAR, corporate brokerages, and local real estate firms over alleged copycat commission practices. Private lenders take note."

Bloomberg reports Figure’s enlistment of banks for lending arm IPO

2023-11-27T08:13:00-08:00private lender loan servicing, private lender servicing|

As a mortgage industry expert, I summarize news for private lenders. Stay updated with Figure Technologies as they hire investment banks for the LendCo IPO.

Has Reduced Mortgage Rates Already Increased Housing Demand?

2023-11-20T05:06:56-08:00private lender loan servicing, private loan servicing company|

"Explore how recent shifts in mortgage rates affect the housing market. Lead Analyst Logan Mohtashami examines nuanced data, providing insight for private lenders."

Understanding the Importance of Signing Authority Despite the Security of Title Insurance

2023-11-17T09:23:04-08:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

"Discover why having the correct signers for your loan documents is critical. Improper signing can lead to unenforceable documents and risk your investment security."

Freddie Mac to Launch Fee-Based Repurchase Pilot Program

2023-11-17T03:51:33-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

"Explore Freddie Mac's pilot program—a fee-based repurchase alternative set for an initial launch in 2024, promising solutions for performing loans in private lending."

Unveiling the State with the Highest Average Credit Score

2023-11-16T13:24:39-08:00private lender loan servicing, private loan servicing company|

"Discover which state boasts the highest average credit score and where Mississippi's 672 measures up. Rich insights for private lenders in Weekly Real Estate News."

Ten Strategies for Real Estate Agents to Ensure Fair Housing Law Compliance

2023-11-06T14:03:35-08:00loan servicing private lenders, private lender loan servicing|

"Explore how real estate agents, through adherence to fair housing laws, are instrumental in promoting equal homeownership opportunities for all."

Approximately 7% of Listed Houses Experienced a Price Reduction

2023-11-03T12:13:46-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

"Discover new industry insights as nearly 7% of homes for sale posted a price drop - the highest on record. Stay informed with Weekly Real Estate News."

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