Recent Mortgage Data Indicates Challenges for Originators and Buyers

2024-04-10T08:32:18-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

Stay informed on the latest trends in the mortgage industry. Discover how interest rates are impacting borrowers in 2023.

Minimal fluctuations in mortgage rates preceding significant inflation study.

2024-04-09T14:27:14-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage servicing companies|

Stay up to date with the latest mortgage rates in the industry. Check out the current rates for conventional loans and make informed decisions as a private lender.

CFPB report delves into the nuances of discount points in mortgage industry

2024-04-08T14:05:41-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Stay informed on the latest developments in the mortgage industry. A recent CFPB report highlights the importance of evaluating interest rate discount points for consumer impact.

Analysis: Exploring the Potential Impact of Biden’s Plan to Erase Mortgage Debt

2024-04-08T12:46:47-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover the impact of political decisions on mortgage debt in a strong economy. Should Biden erase mortgage debt? Find out more in this op-ed.

BTIG analysts view Hunterbrook Media thesis on UWM as ‘misplaced’

2024-04-08T07:47:11-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage loan servicing|

Industry experts believe UWM's revenue margins are not cause for concern, as they do not appear to be overcharging borrowers, according to BTIG analysts.

Ginnie Mae cautions partners on accelerated prepayment risks

2024-04-05T14:37:17-07:00private lender loan servicing, private money loan servicing|

Stay informed on industry changes - Ginnie Mae notes rise in prepayment activity within its program. Learn more about implications for private lenders.

Analysis: Ruling in Sitzer/Burnett Case Premature for HomeServices

2024-04-05T12:24:53-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Stay up to date on the latest news in the mortgage industry with expert summaries. Learn about recent court filings and disputes affecting private lenders.

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