numbers Delinquencies on Mortgages Rise in Sept: ICE Data

2023-10-23T09:04:14-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage servicing|

Private lenders should look to staying up-to-date on mortgage trends to ensure they remain resilient. "Learn about the potential risks to private lenders amid an ever-changing mortgage industry landscape. Get insight into what the latest trends in the mortgage markets means for your business strategies.”

Connect Homes Opens Arizona Factory to Provide Prefab Housing

2023-10-20T14:09:17-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Discover prefab housing solutions with Connect Homes. Learn more about their upcoming Arizona factory that will be able to manufacture up to 5,000 sq ft of housing each week - the perfect choice for private lenders.

and how to take advantage You Can Get a Mortgage at 8%: Here’s How

2023-10-20T05:33:43-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage loan servicing|

"This week marks the first time in 10 years that 30-year mortgage rates have exceeded 8%, driven by US Treasury yields reaching 4.9%. Learn more about what this could mean for lenders and borrowers in the private mortgage market."

Mortgage Industry, Where are They Now?What Happened to the Nearly 100,000 Lost Mortgage Loan Officers?

2023-10-19T09:52:13-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Discover where mortgage industry leaders are positioning themselves to outlast the current market conditions, as nearly 100,000 LOs have washed out since Q2. Understand the essential financial strategies required for long-term success, backed by expert insights from industry professionals. Prepare for the mortgage market to rebound and stay ahead of the competition.

US Homebuilder Confidence Dips as Mortgage Rates Near 8%.

2023-10-17T08:03:59-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Homebuilders face buyer traffic drop due to higher interest rates. Learn how top private lenders are offering solutions to help younger buyers access the market despite current conditions. Get the latest industry insights and help house prices remain affordable.

MBA Leaders Take Action to Halt Unfavorable Mortgage Trends

2023-10-16T14:02:21-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing|

In his fiery speech at MBA Annual in Philadelphia, Bob Broeksmit, President and CEO of the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), urged private lenders to take action against spiraling market trends before it’s too late. Get the inside scoop on what's happening in the mortgage industry and how private lenders can protect themselves from making costly mistakes.

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