One out of every ten homes now valued at $1 million or higher
Discover how California leads the way with the most million-dollar homes, providing valuable insights for private lenders looking to invest. Read more.
Discover how California leads the way with the most million-dollar homes, providing valuable insights for private lenders looking to invest. Read more.
Learn how Liz Gehringer and Ryan Schneider of Anywhere Real Estate are supporting their owned brokerages and franchisees amid the NAR settlement.
Stay ahead of changes in the mortgage industry with expert insights for private lenders. Limited-service listing agents must adapt ahead of NAR settlement updates.
Discover valuable insights on leveraging digital marketing assets, storytelling, and securing cash offers in real estate from a recent lead-generation panel discussion.
Explore HUD's $250M "Legacy Challenge" for transformative housing investments through Section 108 Loan Guarantee. Learn more.
Discover insights from John Burns Real Estate Consulting on the construction of accessory dwelling units and their impact on housing costs for private lenders.
Learn about the California Bill proposing a time limit on homebuyer agent contracts. Stay updated with Weekly Real Estate News for the latest industry updates.
Stay informed on important matters affecting private lending in the mortgage industry with updates on FHFA duty to serve plans and housing policies.
Mortgage industry expert reveals shocking statistics on brokerages' responsiveness to online inquiries, highlighting missed opportunities for private lenders.
Stay updated on industry trends and insights with expert summaries. Private lenders can stay ahead by putting in the work, like Gary Keller advises KW agents.