Value of Networking in Private Lending

2022-01-11T02:58:12-08:00Private Money Lending|

Networking is crucial as you can't tell what opportunities it might bring to your doorstep. Networking and personal relationships are vital ingredients for success in the private lending industry. In establishing liquid logic as a clear market leader in the industry, networking and personal [...]

Cross-Collateral Loans: What are they and How Do They Work?

2022-01-11T00:35:58-08:00Private Money Lending|

Cross-collateral loans are useful lending techniques that can benefit a lender. Cross collateralization is a form of lending technique in which the collateral from one loan is used to secure a loan from the same lender. For example, consider the borrower's situation with a [...]

Raising Capital with Inbound Marketing

2022-01-11T00:37:00-08:00Private Money Lending|

For many private lenders, raising capital is a never-ending task. The most difficult component of the process, whether they target mortgage investors for individual trust deeds or a mortgage fund, is generating investor leads. Unfortunately, most lenders do a terrible job of communicating their [...]

Capital Strategies in Private Lending

2022-01-11T00:38:52-08:00Private Money Lending|

Although there are few defined standards in the private lending market, capital development and strategies have generally been consistent. The three major capital strategies include Balance sheet capital, credit facilities, and loan sale and correspondence. Private lenders required their captive fund sources. Many private [...]

How innovative home technology increases property value in a challenging market

2022-12-16T07:47:08-08:00Private Money Lending|

Over the last several years, we've witnessed an increased demand for smart home technologies as customers continue to embrace a digital lifestyle. Smart home technology, whether it be keyless entry locks, smart thermostats, or leak sensors, these are all things that, five or six [...]

Understanding Table Funding, Correspondent Lending, and Direct Lending

2022-01-11T00:42:59-08:00Private Money Lending|

In the private lending industry, several vital terminologies are quite important for lenders to understand their concepts properly, define their terms and be aware of their usage. This is to avoid being used interchangeably or in the wrong manner. Some of these key terms [...]

Protecting Your Lien Priority from Mechanics Liens

2022-01-11T00:43:26-08:00Private Money Lending|

State laws protect contractors and subcontractors from nonpayment of the products or services they supply by permitting them to place a lien on the improved property. The lien appears on property title searches when recorded in the public records, and it may take precedence [...]

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