Rent control continues to be a controversial issue among Massachusetts lawmakers as the state debates how to best manage its affordability crisis. However, the Massachusetts Association of Realtors (MAR) is advocating for a different approach. Rather than rent control, MAR is advocating for an increased focus on construction across the state.

This potential shift in focus for lawmakers is something the real estate group is advocating strongly for. They have long argued that rent control measures fail to generate the desired outcome of helping alleviate housing concerns for those on fixed or low incomes. By emphasizing construction, MAR believes more housing inventory will be available over a longer period of time, helping to generally lower the prices to make housing more affordable for those in need.

MAR’s focus on construction includes allowing the creation of housing units outside of traditional urban areas. In addition, MAR is also advocating for zoning buts that make it easier for developers to expand the existing housing stock, and for more funding to be allocated for renovations and maintenance that help provide greater access to safe and reliable housing.

Key Takeaways:

– Rent control continues to be a controversial issue among Massachusetts legislators.
– The Massachusetts Association of Realtors is advocating for an increased focus on construction across the state, rather than rent control measures.
– MAR’s focus on construction includes allowing the creation of housing units outside of traditional urban areas.
– MAR is also advocating for zoning buts that make it easier for developers to expand the existing housing stock, and for more funding to be allocated for renovations and maintenance that help provide greater access to safe and reliable housing.

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