Mortgage-backed securities are securitized bundles of debt issued by banks and other lenders. Housing trade groups have suggested that the Biden administration should buy mortgage-backed securities to help support the housing markets and stabilize the mortgage market. These groups argue that such action is not only necessary to maintain financial stability but also to protect home prices.

Buying mortgage-backed securities may provide support for the mortgage market by helping to reduce borrowing costs and extend debt maturities. Additionally, purchasing these securities could help keep the value of homes buoyant, which in turn helps the financial system. Mortgage-backed securities may also be used to fund relief efforts for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key Points:
– Housing trade groups have proposed that the Biden administration buy mortgage-backed securities to protect home prices and maintain financial stability
– Purchasing mortgage-backed securities can help reduce borrowing costs and extend debt maturities, as well as fund relief efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic
– Buying mortgage-backed securities may also help keep the value of homes buoyant, aiding the financial system

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