During a recent status hearing for the Nosalek commission lawsuit, a lawyer from the Department of Justice provided insight into the settlement agreement reached with the National Association of Realtors. While the terms of the agreement were deemed as “an improvement,” there is still uncertainty surrounding the DOJ’s involvement in the Sitzer/Burnett suit.

Key points from the text include:

– Status hearing held for the Nosalek commission lawsuit
– Department of Justice lawyer comments on the settlement agreement with the National Association of Realtors
– Uncertainty over the DOJ’s potential statement of interest in the Sitzer/Burnett suit

The latest developments in the ongoing legal battles within the real estate industry underscore the complexities and implications of commission lawsuits. It will be crucial to monitor any further actions from the Department of Justice and how they may impact the outcomes of these lawsuits moving forward.

You can read this full article at: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/doj-offers-of-agent-compensation-should-not-be-made-anywhere/(subscription required)

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