Movement, a prominent mortgage company, has recently accused Summit’s CEO Todd Scrima of orchestrating a corporate raid, allegedly with the assistance of former Movement managers. The accusations claim that Scrima collaborated with these ex-employees to target Movement’s top-performing loan officers and entice them to join Summit. Movement argues that this predatory raiding and recruiting scheme has caused significant harm to their business.

According to Movement, the alleged corporate raid has resulted in the loss of highly skilled loan officers, affecting the company’s ability to serve its customers and meet their mortgage needs effectively. They assert that Scrima and his team exploited their deep knowledge of Movement’s operations to specifically target loan officers who played a critical role in the company’s success.

The accusations made by Movement raise concerns about the ethics of corporate raiding and recruiting strategies in the mortgage industry. If proven, this alleged raid raises questions about the potential illegitimacy and unfairness of such practices, as it undermines healthy competition and disrupts the smooth functioning of businesses in the industry.

Key Points:
– Movement accuses Summit’s CEO Todd Scrima of leading a corporate raid
– Allegations claim Scrima enlisted the help of former Movement managers
– Movement asserts that top-performing loan officers were targeted
– Loss of skilled loan officers affects Movement’s ability to serve customers
– Raises concerns about ethics and fairness in mortgage industry recruitment practices

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