Vishal Garg, the CEO of controversial online mortgage originator, has recently made some major shifts in the company’s strategy. Prior to a planned public offering, the lender is making changes to how they operate. has begun to focus on improving user experience and customer service, in addition to their core product. This has seen the rise in the lender offering its platform to other market players, as well as partnering with real estate agents. This will allow them to expand and penetrate into even more real estate markets.

This shift in strategy presents some unique opportunities both for the lender and its customers. By embracing this new model of operation, the lender will be able to increase the efficiency of their services and also provide more options to their customers. Through its partnerships with agents, real estate professionals can use the platform as their own transactional platform without having to make any compromises with their existing clients.

The main elements of this text are:

• Ahead of its IPO, has shifted its strategy – The lender is actively selling its platform to other companies and has partnered with real estate agents.

• User experience and customer service focused – The company wants to provide improved user experience and customer service.

• Partnerships with real estate agents – can help agents by providing a transactional platform without the need for agreements or compromises.

• Increased customer options and efficiency – Customers who use can get more options than before and be served more efficiently.

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