Transforming Your Real Estate Database: From Dumpster Fire to Lead Generation Machine

2024-03-15T12:59:43-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Improve lead generation and nurture warm leads with these database organization tips tailored for private lenders in the mortgage industry.

Challenges for Virginia agents as tight inventory frustrates buyers

2024-03-15T04:04:05-07:00private lender loan servicing, private lender servicing|

Stay informed on the latest trends in the Virginia housing market as agents face challenges with low inventory levels.

New Automated Products Released by Construction Technology Firm Icon

2024-03-13T14:12:29-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Discover how construction technology firm Icon is revolutionizing the industry with a suite of automated products. CEO Jason Ballard discusses future implications. Read more.

Increase in reverse mortgage activity evident in Guild’s earnings post Cherry Creek acquisition

2024-03-13T12:49:24-07:00private lender loan servicing, private loan servicing company|

Guild Mortgage reveals detailed reverse mortgage data in latest earnings report, solidifying its position as a top 10 lender and issuer in the industry.

Reverse Mortgage Funding parent company achieves Chapter 7 bankruptcy status

2024-03-13T12:32:55-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Stay informed on industry news: a judge grants permission to convert a case to liquidation bankruptcy, potentially impacting private lenders.

Court rules in favor of MLS PIN and Nosalek plaintiffs

2024-03-13T10:04:44-07:00private mortgage loan servicing companies, private mortgage servicing companies|

Stay informed on industry updates: A judge allows MLS PIN and Nosalek plaintiffs to respond to the DOJ's statement of interest in a recent court ruling.

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