CHLA Expresses Concerns Over Impacts of Commission Lawsuit Lending on Mortgage Industry

2023-12-15T06:27:53-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

As a mortgage industry expert, I provide unbiased summaries of industry news. Consider lending practice changes to ensure buyer agency affordability after Sitzer/Burnett verdict - CHLA suggests. Expert insights for private lenders.

Newly Launched Stairs Financial Platform Assists First-Time Homebuyers

2023-12-15T05:22:00-08:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover Stairs Financial, a new Texas-based mortgage platform serving first-time homebuyers. Get expert support for your lending needs today.

Despite a decrease in Q3 home flipping, profits have increased in the mortgage industry.

2023-12-14T12:27:11-08:00private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Discover the latest industry news for private lenders: Q3 saw a decrease in home flipping, but profits were up significantly with a typical profit margin of 29.8%. Read more at Weekly Real Estate News.

Commercial and Multifamily Mortgage Debt Increases by $37.1 Billion in Q3

2023-12-14T11:09:30-08:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

Commercial banks hold the majority (38%) of commercial/multifamily mortgages, totaling $1.8 trillion. Check out the latest increase of $37.1 billion in Q3.

Compass to Eliminate COO Role Resulting in Greg Hart’s Departure

2023-12-13T13:56:26-08:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Compass' COO Greg Hart to leave brokerage at year-end, as per SEC filing. Valuable insights for private lenders in the mortgage industry.

Berkshire Hathaway Affiliate Faces Lawsuit Alleging Commission Misconduct

2023-12-13T13:08:35-08:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Discover the latest legal challenge to real estate commission protocol involving a Berkshire Hathaway affiliate. Gain insights at Weekly Real Estate News.

Revived 1980s tool aids builders in preventing decline of new home prices.

2023-12-12T03:53:39-08:00private lender servicing, private money loan servicing|

Discover how homebuilders have thrived in today's challenging market by leveraging mortgage rate buydowns, despite rising rates and softening demand. Ideal for private lenders seeking valuable insights.

EasyKnock faces scrutiny over alleged deceptive sale-leaseback practices in Massachusetts.

2023-12-11T08:15:01-08:00private lender loan servicing, private money loan servicing|

Mass. Attorney General fines EasyKnock $200k, bans sale-leaseback scheme. Proptech firm compelled to cease operations; relevant for private lenders.

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