Nine effective strategies for generating more real estate referrals

2024-10-25T05:40:42-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Unlock the secrets to increasing referrals from industry expert Ashley Harwood, former KW Director of Agent Growth. Learn more.

The fluctuation of agent commissions varies depending on different perspectives within the industry

2024-10-25T04:41:10-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private lender loan servicing|

Learn about the lingering questions regarding commissions post-Sitzer/Burnett verdict and patterns in seller behavior. Ideal for private lenders.

Analysis shows that a large portion of mortgaged homeowners have significant equity in their homes.

2024-10-24T12:37:57-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage loan servicing|

Discover how nearly half of mortgaged homeowners are equity-rich, while 2.5% of mortgaged homes are seriously underwater. Stay informed with industry news.

Private Lenders Shouldn’t Stress Over Recession Worries

2024-10-23T10:47:24-07:00loan servicing private lenders, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Stay informed on industry news and trends affecting private lenders, including economic indicators and market fluctuations, to make informed lending decisions.

FirstClose introduces feature to assist consumers in accelerating debt consolidation

2024-10-23T09:33:07-07:00private lender loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

FirstClose offers a new Digital Loan Product Wizard on its home equity platform, aiding customers with consolidating high-interest mortgage debt.

Victor Ciardelli announces new $100M AI mortgage platform designed to address long-standing customer issues

2024-10-23T06:28:20-07:00private mortgage servicing|

Discover how Chicago-based Rate is leveraging AI technology to enhance its lending platform, attracting private lenders aiming to grow their market share.

Pennymac’s Strategy for Navigating Impact of Decreased Rates

2024-10-23T04:48:22-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Discover how the third-quarter financials of Pennymac Financial Services reflect the impact of declining interest rates on mortgage companies' loan production and servicing portfolios. Gain insights for private lenders.

Lake Michigan Credit Union introduces new Down Payment Assistance Program

2024-10-22T14:34:23-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage loan servicing|

Learn how Lake Michigan Credit Union is offering a new down payment assistance program, initially funded with $1 million. Click to read more.

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