Top five-year movers in sides and volume revealed by RealTrends Verified: eXp and Compass.

2024-04-02T05:42:40-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing companies|

Discover the top five year movers in the mortgage industry, with independent firms and flat-fee firms leading the way in sides and volume.

Recruiters Utilize AI to Attract Top Agents.

2024-04-02T04:44:46-07:00private mortgage loan servicing, private mortgage loan servicing companies|

Discover how various tech-based vendors are simplifying recruiting processes for real estate companies. Perfect for private lenders seeking efficiency.

Biden announces new cap on rent increases for certain affordable housing units

2024-03-29T12:33:01-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private money loan servicing|

Discover how properties receiving Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funding will be limited to a 10% rent increase, impacting affordable housing units. Biden administration changes ahead. Read more.

CMLS considers response to DOJ’s statement of interest

2024-03-29T12:29:35-07:00private loan servicing company, private mortgage servicing|

Stay informed on industry news: MLS trade association challenges DOJ's intervention in residential real estate market practices. Ideal for private lenders.

Courted, a Proptech startup, Expands Brokerage Partnerships

2024-03-29T08:14:55-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage loan servicing|

Stay informed on the latest industry trends - find out how a leading mortgage company secures a spot in a tech scale-up program supported by NAR.

Budge Huskey advises caution regarding NAR settlement reports.

2024-03-27T13:16:04-07:00loan servicing for private money lenders, private mortgage loan servicing|

Stay informed about real estate industry news with insights from Budge Huskey on the NAR Settlement. Understand key principles for private lenders.

NAR urges modifications to VA home loan policies, citing possible harm to veterans

2024-03-27T13:07:22-07:00private lender servicing, private mortgage servicing|

Learn about changes requested by NAR regarding VA home loan policies, potentially affecting veterans. Click to read more on Weekly Real Estate News.

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