The integration of Airbnb and allows homeowners to easily see an estimate of rental income from making their residence short-term rental-friendly. This integration is the first of its kind in the real estate industry, allowing prospective homeowners to see the potential short-term rental income prior to purchase. By incorporating data from hundreds of cites, the platform empowers users to make the best decision possible when buying a home.

Essentially, homeowners can now get a better idea of potential investment return when shares a residence short-term on Airbnb. This data is certain to help real estate buyers decide if a home is right for them. Potential impacts of this integration include a booming Airbnb market, increased purchases for homes strategy for short-term rentals, and more general investment in residential real estate.

Key Components:
• Integration of Airbnb with
• Estimates of short-term rental income available before purchase
• Includes data from hundreds of cities
• Potential impacts of integration include: Booming Airbnb market, increased purchases for homes strategy for short-term rentals, and more investment in residential real estate.

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