This article from HousingWire explores how the process of determining the look and feel of American neighborhoods has long been a largely unregulated, exclusive and often controversial occurrence. The author examines growing local activist movements in several areas of the country which are challenging policies, processes and decisions that have historically been determined by zoning and development and are instead advocating for greater resident involvement in creating a sense of place and identity.

The article looks at a few up-and-coming democratic movements in cities like Boston, Dallas and Austin that are attempting to redefine what it means to have a say in the appearance of their neighborhoods. In Boston, some organizations are advocating for an inclusionary zoning ordinance that would require developers to provide a certain number of affordable units in any new project. In Dallas, groups are calling on the city officials to require construction of off-street parking to be more transparent and allow more input from local residents. And, in Austin, activists are asking for city officials to modify development codes to better represent the community’s values and reality.

The author highlights the benefits of these initiatives, including enhanced quality of life for residents, greater tenant and homeowner security, improved land management, increased involvement of residents in development decisions, and a greater sense of community pride. However, the article does not ignore the possible negative consequences of such movements, such as the possibility of increased racism, classism and gentrification.

Overall, this article raises important questions about the process of determining the look and feel of American neighborhoods and highlights how the development process has historically been exclusive and restrictive. It also highlights how local organizations in cities like Boston, Dallas and Austin are taking action to challenge these conventions and advocating for resident involvement in the process.

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