Real estate company Redfin announced the expansion of its successful pay plan, Redfin Next, to agents in Orange County and San Diego. The company credits the launch of Redfin Next as the driving force behind the decision to expand its benefits to more areas. Redfin Next offers agents a variable pay structure that supplements their base salary, providing them with the opportunity to increase their earnings based on their performance and customer satisfaction ratings. This move aims to incentivize and reward agents for their hard work and dedication.

Key Points:
– Redfin expands its pay plan, Redfin Next, to agents in Orange County and San Diego.
– Redfin Next introduces a variable pay structure that supplements agents’ base salaries.
– The expansion is driven by the success of Redfin Next’s initial launch.
– The move aims to incentivize and reward agents for their performance and customer satisfaction.

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