Reaching out to a new audience, Damian Eales, CEO of, has been making ripples in the mortgage industry since the summer. At the Tom Ferry Success Summit in Dallas, Eales shared his expansion plan which will see the company reaching more customers than ever before.

The plan includes featuring exclusive content from Tom Ferry on the homepage as well as in the news features. On top of that, will be introducing specific search functions for home buyers and sellers, resulting in a more efficient search experience. is also boosting it’s presence in the live-streaming and video spheres, providing users with a comprehensive view of what is being offered in the industry.

• Expanding customer reach: will be featuring exclusive content from Tom Ferry on homepage and news features
• Improved search functions: is introducing specific search functions for home buyers and sellers, resulting in a more efficient search experience
• Incorporating video and live-streaming: will be boosting its presence in video and live-streaming to provide a comprehensive view of what is being offered in the industry

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