A new listing platform called Redy, founded by agents from the popular show “Million Dollar Listing,” has expanded its availability to five major cities across the United States. The platform is now accessible in Atlanta, Dallas, Orlando, Phoenix, and San Diego, offering a new way for real estate professionals to connect with potential buyers and sellers.

Key points from the text include:

– Redy is a listing platform founded by two agents from “Million Dollar Listing”
– The platform is now available in Atlanta, Dallas, Orlando, Phoenix, and San Diego
– Redy provides a new way for real estate professionals to connect with clients
– The expansion to these five major cities signifies the platform’s growth and potential impact on the real estate industry.

You can read this full article at: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/million-dollar-listing-agents-launch-online-marketplace-for-sellers-and-agents/(subscription required)

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