AOC Proposes Creation of New Federal Entity for Construction and Sale of ‘Social Housing’
Stay informed on the latest in the mortgage industry with insights on Ocasio-Cortez's proposal for a new federal entity to build and sell 'social housing'.
Stay informed on the latest in the mortgage industry with insights on Ocasio-Cortez's proposal for a new federal entity to build and sell 'social housing'.
Stay informed on the potential impact of the Federal Reserve's upcoming interest rate cuts and how it may affect your lending strategies as a private lender.
Discover how brokers in New Hampshire are adapting to new business practices in the mortgage industry. Stay informed and ahead of the competition.
Stay informed on the latest news in the mortgage industry. Builder confidence inches up in the most recent Housing Market Index report. Read more here.
Learn about recent changes to Keller Williams profit-sharing program in 2023 and subsequent litigation in this industry news summary for private lenders.
Discover the latest insights in the real estate market with New Hampshire's median home prices surpassing $500,000 for the sixth consecutive month.
Improve your lending knowledge with NMLS-approved seminars and in-person classes. Enhance your skills in just five weeks at UWM campus.
Discover the latest news regarding attorneys claiming extensive hours and costs for commission lawsuits since 2019 - valuable information for private lenders.
Stay updated on the latest trends in the mortgage industry, including the impact of lower rates on purchase applications. Dive into the data now.
Stay informed on the latest industry news impacting private lenders. Comments on a recent proposal are due soon. Stay ahead with our expert summaries.