Planet Home Lending, a mortgage lender, has announced its latest Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) portfolio transfer which is projected to take it above the $90 billion mark.

This marks an impressive milestone for the lender, making it one of the most noteworthy in the mortgage industry. The MSR portfolio transfer was negotiated with an as-yet anonymous counterparty. Planet Home Lending adjusted the MSR terms and conditions as part of the agreement, significantly expanding its capacity to service customers’ multi-state loan portfolios in the future.

The move to acquire the MSR portfolio is a strategic decision by Planet Home Lending to penetrate new economies and serve its customers more effectively. As such, the lender has stated its commitment to using sophisticated technology to help customers have a smoother home loan experience.

The key points in the text are as follows:

• Planet Home Lending has made a Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) portfolio transfer and is now projected to surpass $90 billion.

• The portfolio transfer has been negotiated with an unnamed counterparty and the MSR terms were adjusted.

• The move will expand the lender’s ability to service customers’ loan portfolios across states.

• Using sophisticated technology to make it easier for customers to get home loans is also part of the strategy.

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