In a groundbreaking move, SERHANT has cemented its status as a top player in the mortgage industry by launching the hit Netflix show “Owning Manhattan.” Agents across the industry are buzzing with excitement as they add SERHANT to the top of their wishlist for partnership opportunities. This savvy marketing strategy has not only elevated the brand’s visibility but has also positioned them as a sought-after partner for real estate professionals looking to align themselves with a forward-thinking and innovative organization.

• SERHANT launches hit Netflix show “Owning Manhattan”
• Brand becomes top choice for partnership opportunities among agents
• Strategy enhances brand visibility and reputation as innovative industry leader
• Showcases SERHANT’s commitment to cutting-edge marketing tactics

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Note Servicing Center provides professional, fully compliant loan servicing for private mortgage investors so they can avoid the aggravation of servicing their own loans and just relax and get paid. Contact us today for more information.