OneKey MLS, the largest multiple listing service (MLS) in New York State, has expanded its reach with the acquisition of Mid-Hudson MLS. This strategic move has significantly bolstered OneKey MLS’s membership, now catering to close to 50,000 agents.

Key highlights of the acquisition include:
– OneKey MLS, already established as the largest MLS in New York State, has further solidified its position with the addition of Mid-Hudson MLS.
– The acquisition has resulted in a substantial increase in OneKey MLS’s membership, providing a broader network for real estate agents in the region.
– By combining resources and expertise, OneKey MLS aims to enhance its services and offerings, providing agents with even more comprehensive and efficient tools for property listing and sales.

This acquisition comes as an important development in the real estate industry, consolidating the influence and reach of OneKey MLS and offering new opportunities for agents within their expanded network.

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