Mortgage applications have taken a downturn recently according to the Federal Open Market Committee meeting. This decline suggests that potential buyers may be reacting to the indications that securities markets could be headed for a period of unsettlement, and that prospective borrowers are seeking to avoid uncertainty in the midst of a time of financial strain.

The Federal Open Market Committee meeting has had a significant impact on how potential borrowers view the market. With rising security prices and increasing difficulties for traditional borrowers in obtaining approval, applications for mortgages have dropped in the past seven days. This market climate may continue to remain uncertain in the near future, as lending standards are tightening and buyers are exercising caution.

Main Points:
– Mortgage applications have dropped following the Federal Open Market Committee meeting
– Indications that the securities markets could be headed for a period of unsettlement has caused potential buyers to respond to the uncertainty
– Rising security prices and difficulty in obtaining approval has caused buyers to be more cautious
– Lending standards are tightening in the midst of a time of financial strain

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