The Sitzer/Burnett commission lawsuit is at a critical turning point as it goes to trial on Monday. With the stakes high, the mortgage industry is concerned that this lawsuit could determine the future of guaranteed shared compensation. The Sitzer/Burnett commission is a group of independent and highly experienced mortgage professionals that is suing the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. They argue that the current regulations unfairly prevent individuals from sharing in the commission when taking out mortgages. The plaintiffs are hopeful that their lawsuit succeeds and leads to a change in federal regulations.

If the Sitzer/Burnett commission prevails in court, it could have both short-term and long-term effects on the mortgage industry. In the short run, it would open up mortgage opportunities for individuals, as lenders may become more willing to offer them commissions. In the long run, the legal precedent set by the case could open up more avenues for shared compensation in the industry, giving individuals more access to commission splitting opportunities. It would also open up avenues for other legal challenges against HUD regulations, making the entire housing finance landscape more competitive.

Bullet Points:
– The Sitzer/Burnett commission lawsuit goes to trial Monday for reform to the current regulations that prevent individuals from sharing in the commission when taking out mortgages
– If successful, could open up mortgage opportunities for individuals as lenders may become more willing to offer commissions
– Could have long-term effects of opening up more avenues for shared compensation in the industry, giving individuals more access to commission splitting opportunities
– Could also open up avenues for other legal challenges against HUD regulations, creating a more competitive housing finance landscape

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