Real estate giant Redfin shook up the real estate news cycle on Monday, announcing they were breaking away from the National Association of Realtors (NAR). According to Redfin, the split had been considered for some time and was the result of the growing discrepancy between industry norms and what Redfin believed was best for customers.

Redfin expressed that the move was necessary to keep their customers in mind first and innovate more quickly, better reflecting what customers and agents really need. They further shared that this would allow them to improve customer service and modernize the industry, hopefully leading to changes in the amount of time taken to buy or sell a home, the way in which people view and transact real estate, and how accessible real estate transactions become.

Important elements of the text:
• Redfin announced split from NAR – Real estate giant Redfin announced their departure of the National Association of Realtors on Monday.
• Discrepancy between industry norms and what Redfin believed was best for customers – Redfin decided a split was necessary to put customers as a priority and innovate more quickly.
• Move allows Redfin to improve customer service and modernize the industry – The end goal of the split is to give customers and agents what they really need, leading to improvements in time, transaction processes, and accessibility.

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