Mauricio Umansky and Jason Haber have recently made waves in the real estate industry with the launch of their new trade group, aimed at providing an alternative to the long-established National Association of Realtors (NAR). With their combined experience and expertise, Umansky and Haber’s venture seeks to address the industry’s evolving needs and provide a fresh perspective for real estate professionals across the country.

The new trade group has been specifically designed to cater to those real estate professionals who feel underrepresented or dissatisfied with the NAR’s offerings. Umansky and Haber aim to offer a platform that champions innovation, diversity, and inclusion within the industry. By creating a rival organization, they hope to challenge the status quo and provide real estate professionals with a wider range of resources, networking opportunities, and educational programs.

Key elements of the text highlighted:

– Mauricio Umansky and Jason Haber launch new real estate trade group
– Aimed at rivaling the National Association of Realtors (NAR)
– Designed to cater to industry professionals who feel underrepresented or dissatisfied with the NAR
– Focus on championing innovation, diversity, and inclusion within the industry
– Aims to provide alternative resources, networking opportunities, and educational programs for real estate professionals.

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