Flat-fee brokerage is an increasingly popular business model among real estate agents in the mortgage industry. Recently, many agents have been turning to it as a way to maximize their income and pursue a more independent career path.

A flat-fee broker advertises having a 100% commission structure. Under this arrangement, any agents who work under the broker keep 100% of the commission earned from a transaction. Flat-fee brokerages typically charge an initial flat fee and don’t take any percentage of the final sales price for their services, providing a cost-effective solution to both agents and customers.

For brokers, this arrangement helps provide more autonomy and a higher potential for income. Because agents keep 100% of their commission, they have a tangible incentive to close more deals and make more sales. Flat-fee brokerages also provide back-end support to agents, including marketing resources, legal compliance, and client data management.

Important Elements:
-Flat-fee brokerage provides a popular, cost-effective business model for real estate agents
-Agents under a broker with a 100% commission structure keep 100% of the earnings
-Agents benefit from potential higher income and more autonomy
-Flat-fee brokerages also provide back-end support services

You can read this full article at: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/opinion-the-invasion-of-the-flat-fee-low-cost-broker/(subscription required)

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