Quit Self-Servicing Your Loans!
We can do it for you for as low as $25/month!
That’s cheaper than your software licensing fee
— and you don’t have to do any work!
You probably started investing in private mortgage notes because it was supposed to be ‘passive’,
but you’ve found that the compliance issues and end of year paperwork ended up being ‘massive’.
We are the solution!
When we service your private mortgage note, we take care of all the compliance issues and paperwork for you, turning your ‘massive’ headache back into a ‘passive’ investment.
Contact us today for more information!
We’ve been around the block a few times. In the past 40 years, we’ve serviced over $2 Billion in private mortgage notes, just like yours. They aren’t all cookie-cutter, either.
If it’s been funded, we’ve seen it.
And … we do it right.
We’ve gone through numerous State and Federal audits and come through with shining colors.
We’ve deal with every type of loan imaginable, including:
Displayed pricing based on a single lender, simple, non-impounded, performing loan under $1M with monthly payments, after a $40 one-time setup fee. Different loan types have different fee structures. Contact us today to find out how much it would cost to have your loan(s) serviced.