Recently, several agencies in the federal government have sought to improve housing affordability for renters. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and others have released initiatives to make housing more accessible.

These agency actions are focused on expanding homeownership opportunities, improving rental affordability, combating homelessness, and alleviating the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes targeted funding for homeless assistance, access to refinancing for struggling homeowners, and new loan programs to support families and renters affected by the pandemic. The initiatives may represent an opportunity to strengthen access to affordable housing for those with lower incomes and fewer resources.

The main elements of this topic are:
• HUD, FHFA, CFPB and other Agencies – Federal agencies taking action to improve renters’ housing affordability
• Initiatives – Aimed at expanding homeownership, improving rental affordability, combating homelessness, and addressing Covid-19 crisis
• Funding – Targeted help for homeless assistance, refinancing, and new loan programs.
• Strengthen Access – Opportunity to strengthen access to affordable housing for lower income individuals

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