Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman has acknowledged the potential for a revolution in the real estate industry following a recent jury verdict, despite the company’s preparedness. Kelman’s statement comes in the wake of a legal battle that has captivated the mortgage industry, as it has the potential to reshape how businesses operate within the sector. While the specifics of the verdict are not mentioned, Kelman’s remarks indicate its significance and potential impact on the industry.

Key points from the article:

– Redfin, a prominent player in the real estate market, had taken steps to be prepared for industry changes.
– Despite this preparation, the recent jury verdict may spark a revolutionary shift in the industry.
– The verdict’s impact and implications for the mortgage sector are significant.
– The article acknowledges the significance of the verdict without providing details about its specifics.

Kelman’s acknowledgment of the potential revolution indicates that the mortgage industry will likely undergo significant changes. This news is expected to generate interest and raise questions about the future direction of real estate businesses.

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