The legal battle between Zillow Group and discount brokerage REX Homes is heating up in anticipation of the Sept. 18 trial date. The legal dispute began back in June, when REX Homes filed a $2 billion lawsuit accusing Zillow of monopolizing the online real estate space. Zillow responded with two counterclaims, including one alleging that REX was infringing on its patent.

The fight over the real estate market has been a topic of discussion amongst industry insiders for the past several months. At issue is whether or not Zillow has an unfair advantage in the online real estate market due to its size and market share. Zillow has stated that it does not engage in anti-competitive practices, while REX has argued that it does.

The legal tussle between Zillow Group and REX has the potential to significantly shake up the real estate market as we know it. This includes a possible reevaluation of pricing models, consumer outcomes, and the availability of technology. The looming trial date could have a major impact on how the online real estate market operates in the future.

Bulleted Summary:
– Zillow Group is in a legal battle with discount brokerage REX Homes, with a trial date set for Sept. 18.
– REX Homes filed a $2 billion lawsuit against Zillow for alleged monopolization of online real estate space.
– The trial has potential to shake up pricing models, consumer outcomes, and technology in the real estate market.

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