A recent report from the Center for Public Enterprise has highlighted the potential benefits of creating a dedicated secondary market for construction financing in the United States. This market could play a crucial role in addressing the ongoing housing shortage that has been affecting the country for years.

Key points from the report include:
– The establishment of a secondary market for construction financing could attract more investors to the housing market, leading to increased construction activity and more affordable housing options for Americans.
– By providing a reliable source of financing for construction projects, this market could help developers secure the necessary funds to build new homes and address the growing demand for housing across the country.

The report underscores the importance of exploring innovative solutions to tackle the housing shortage in the U.S. and highlights the potential impact that a dedicated secondary market for construction financing could have on addressing this pressing issue.

You can read this full article at: https://www.housingwire.com/articles/secondary-market-for-construction-financing-could-help-spur-multifamily-developments/(subscription required)

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